The last few weeks, we have been battling anxiety and attempting to fight against worry.
When we would pray and ask for peace, He would grant it, but the worry would creep in.
This last weekend, we were graced in a big way by financial gifts from family. Our church also gifted us with enough to completely cover our shots, (a cost we were completely unprepared financially for.)
Today, we received word from
Katelyn's Fund that they will be assisting us financially with our adoption! We are so overwhelmed and the words Thank You can hardly cover what we are feeling. This gift will enable us to pay off the outstanding balance (past due) with the adoption agency! We are so in awe God's faithfulness.
We feel so blessed by the financial support of these gifts. We also have felt the power of Christ through the prayer and emotional support of our church, our family and the Katelyn's fund ministry.
Meeting with the people from Katelyn's fund was such a huge encouragement. Rejoice with us in this huge gift and praise God for his never ending faithfulness!
Below is their vision statement from their website:
Our vision for this ministry:
To offer financial, emotional, and prayer support to Christian families who are feeling God calling them to adopt. To establish a fund that would assist Christian families in adoption costs. Katelyn's Fund Board would communicate needs to consistory and families would need to share their personal testimony, and have an approved home study. Katelyn's Fund Board would take responsibilities for procedures, establish criteria, and report to consistory and church members. The long term impact of this ministry would not only be saving lives in the literal sense but also eternally. It would be to call other Christian families to consider or to support those adopting. For our church to rise up and proclaim it’s love for those near and far, the same and different, and the unfailing love of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Tanya with her nephew visiting from Illinois this week!