Today we were snowed and iced in all day. We have been getting signs of spring, but just enough to mentally think it IS spring. So, needless to say today I needed God's help to remind me that He is in charge of the weather and I need not complain. God blessed us with a few sweet moments that I wanted to record.
By the grace of God (and the time change smile........) my kids slept in later than normal. I had some quiet time in the Word of God. Here is a verse I wrote on a note card to put in front of my eyes when I struggled with my own sin today.
Galatians 5:22-23; 25-26
"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control."
"If we live by the Spirit let us also walk by the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking one another, envying one another."
In the quietness of my home I prayed that God would equip me to seek Him for the power to live by the Spirit. To love during sibling disputes, to be patience at all the things that grate on my nerves when we are inside most of the day. To be gentle and self-controlled when having to correct my kiddos. To have JOY in the job God has given me in raising up my family and loving my husband.
Daily Record Today ( a snowed in day)
Today we had everyone home and we home schooled ( other days the oldest two dual enroll to public school)
- mommy awake/Isaac coughing and in our bed
- everyone up and hungry
- morning chores: beds/pick up rooms/ dressed/ b'fast
- Kaylee starts school/ review lessons with mom
- little ones play( mommy plays referee to break up disputes Ha!) This makes for lots of running back and forth between school lessons and little ones
- Isaac school time
- Did I mention I have not yet gotten ready for the day, Ugh! I really like the days I am up and ready before the kids, but I chose to read my Bible first and forgo shower and make- up yet.
- put something in the crockpot for supper and defrost bread dough (store bought!)
- laundry laundry laundry
- run one mile on treadmill (trying to make myself exercise more for heart health)
- Layne home for lunch
- I get ready for the day (at noon)
- Little ones down for nap
- Isaac reads aloud to me. He has been reading so much lately. I needed to check his comprehension on books he is reading.
- More school
- Levi and Jesse up and we read library books. One book was about a tugboat so we go to the computer and find a video tour of a real tugboat. Levi is intrigued and is always soaking up any new vocabulary. We also find video of steamboats and the Mississippi River.
- Erin up/ clean up HUGE toy mess. I need to supervise this and make sure it happens.
- Piano lessons (K and I go across the street for lessons, great perk!!!)
- Dinner prep
- Dinner
- Layne sends me out the door to Panera. I gather a bag full of books and plant myself close to the fireplace there.
- I write some cards, read a novel, a parenting book and delete my text message "in" box.
- Now Layne is done working on someone's computer.
- We are going to talk and connect on the couch.
Whew this day was full!