I have been planning to write a post since we got back from Minneapolis in March but as you can tell, I just hadn't gotten around to it. With that being said, it's good to be back to writing again. We went to Minneapolis in March and had a BLAST! We got to see our cousins, including little baby Bebo, who is just the sweetest little thing!
We all stayed in an empty house with only 2 bedrooms but it couldn't have been more fun.We were very greatful for a place(thanks to good friends of my Auntie L's) to stay where we could all be together and just hang out. With all the cousins jam-packed in there we were all bumping into each other and running around and being just plain crazy! There was this looooong staircase that all the kids were sliding down on their rears until somebody got hurt and then that game was done.
So the kids found other things to do such as....playing legos with a beloved cousin
Or coloring pretty pictures to hang on the fridge at home.......(By the way, even though almost everybody loves the Packers in our family, some family members a.k.a.Mom, Dash, Bear LOVE the Vikings. And since we were in Minnesota, Dash decided that is was the perfect time to don the purple vikings shirt, and I agree.)
Pausing for photos on the dangerous stairway.......
Holding little Squeakers................
Taking more random pictures................
Or maybe watch a short movie. As you can tell, we just adore our cousins. The next day we hung out at the mall and that was no short 2 hour trip to the mall, this was an
all day thing. There were 10 adults and 9 kids so each parent took 2 kids or so and we called it good.
This is most likely the only thing Oggie really enjoys at the mall. He probably spent and hour or so in there!
The girls had a great time at the American Girl Doll store.
And Dad had a amazing time with his dear friend Mr. Chicken.
Just messing! There was this costume and magic trick store and this was in the doorway. I couldn't miss the chance of getting dad's picture next to this waaaaay larger that life sized chicken! :)
Me, Oggie, and Dash all got to climb on this huge(4 stories) climbing structure. None of us are afraid of heights so we made it to the top. Such fun!
We had a fantastic time with our family and can't wait to see them again!
We came back home and had no major things going on. I was in a play so my family came and saw me in that. I had sooo much fun doing it and the play turned out really well.
We went to our Grandparents house for Easter and dyed eggs, hunted for easter baskets and stuffed ourselves silly with ham and green beans and potatoes all made by my grandparents! yum!
We went on a walk to the Rose Garden and it was wonderful to see all the new life popping up all over. Spring!
It was fun dying easter eggs, but it was even more fun eating them!! |
All in all, we have had a great past month or so. We had our friends over who just brought home their little girl from Ethiopia, and have been taking advantage of this warm weather and playing a lot outside.
Signing off :)