Thursday, October 07, 2010

Hennhouse Updates

It's been almost a whole month since the last time anybody posted anything!  That is just sad. Because you know in a month at the hennhouse a lot can happen..... So this will be a fairly long post. :)

In september we went on a church reatreat at Twin Lakes Christian Center. It's a great place with a lake, zipline, climbing wall, ball pit, just lots of entertainment. We all had a really great time and it was nice to just get away and hang with all of our friends! The only thing is I don't have any picture of it so you're going to have to just imagine it in your head. bummer.
Also in September we went to the Fairview schoolhouse with some homeschool buddies. That was super fun. We all got to dress up in old fashioned clothing, bring a praire style lunch, and sit in those fun desks that are nailed to the ground! And luckily I do have some pictures of that.

I say we make a great group of pioneers!

Just a couple more things. Earlier this month we went to this GREAT resturant called the Black Bear Diner. It was great to have family time together and we all had fun eating out.
Here are the pics.

what a great idea! you can sit over here and read books while you wait for your food!

Isaac and I sharing a milkshake

And last but not least, Squeakers is 3 months now!! she is getting sooo big! I just have post some pictures of her!
