Monday, October 09, 2006

update 10-8-06

It's been about a week since our last post and returning from Minneapolis to visit the agency.
A crazy week it has been! We are coming up on our final home visit appointment, however, we are in need of prayer to finish up all the paperwork forms, retrieval of letters from employers, police departments, birth certificates and much, much more!
There are some things that are a bit time consuming to attain and we just need grace in staying on top of all there is to be done.
This weekend we had a conference at our church where Jerry Bridges taught about the Sovereignty of God. It was so encouraging to know and to hear that God has planned every detail (even the bumps in the road) for our good and ultimately for His Glory. It really allows for no complaining from us. However, calling out for prayer and being in need is completely appropriate. God puts others around us and uses others to complete His purposes!
Thank you for your prayers and support. I will try to post more frequently to keep everyone up to date.


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