Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Ethiopia Memories

We were watching it rain and hail this morning as we sat on the couch and looked out our picture window into the backyard. We could hear the forceful rain on the roof. I asked Levi if he remembered it raining in Ethiopia. He said that when it rained Abahba (this is the word he uses to refer to his birth father) would check to see if the grass fell off the roof. He would put it back if it fell off. Here is a direct quote I recorded, "Abahba would get on the roof and fix it. Get some more hay and put it in the hole."

Sometimes the reality that my son lived in a hut in Africa with a grass thatch roof, hits me like a ton of bricks. I could just picture him cold and wet watching his Ethiopian father patch a roof with hay. Words really don't express my feelings. I just am reminded that God is the author of our destiny and I am blessed to be a mother to my children. We are blessed by the beautiful road of adoption and the ways we experience our Lord in a deeper way. All of our children our His, lent to us for a short time. Let's make the most of the time we have with them before they are grown up and living out God's plan for their lives.

Thanks for stopping by,

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